It may be that Thursday is the new Friday, but for Kim, Thursday was just a quick take away pizza and an early night for work the next day. We can’t all be wild childs now can we?
To be honest, this scenario is far closer to our own Thursday nights than we’d like to pretend. We could say that we fly off to have dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower with beautiful people, drinking champagne out of expensive shoes and having rocket inducing… but our psychiatrist told us to keep some delusional details to ourselves and not share all with our audience. Something about liability or another.
In any case, we would exchange our exotic dreamy French nights for Kim’s pizza and slots. Because her results were far more rewarding than our own.
Leo Vegas Casino + Mega Fortune slot = a night to remember
So where were we? Pizza. Yes.
To be honest, that’s pretty much the entirety of the story. We wish we could set it up further, but it was just another normal Thursday night for Kim. She’d grown bored of the TV by about 10pm and had switched to casino for a little entertainment before bed.
She wasn’t new to Leo Vegas mobile casino, she didn’t win on a bonus or a free spin. It was, in all ways, an unexceptional game session where she expected nothing more than perhaps a new pair of shoes for that wedding she had to attend in a couple of weeks.
A girl can dream.
And because clearly living the high life doesn’t appeal to just Lucky Mobile Slots writers, she headed to NetEnt’s Mega Fortune slot game for a little escapism into yacht filled sunny afternoons.
A more than an ample sized jackpot
We can tell you exactly when she won. It was 22:33:41 CET (remove an hour Britain). We can tell you because Leo Vegas told us and it wasn’t even late enough for her to have spent her budget for the night. Or think about going to bed. So there she is, staring at a screen with a win of €87,498.
Strangely enough, the thought that she would now have nothing to do all night didn’t cross her mind.
And it wasn’t like she was playing a huge betting amount. In fact, it was just a conservative 50 cents a spin that Kim was playing. That’s the great thing about playing jackpot slots though, you spin for the small win but hope for the big mama jackpot to burst.
A chill-out night turned into anything but
Kim’s night of a little game play and an early night didn’t quite work out in the end. In fact, she mysteriously wasn’t able to make it to work on Friday. Maybe something wrong with the Pizza?
“Thank you so much for this! Getting the confirmation call was music to my ears.” Kim excitedly told the staff at Leo Vegas the day after “I still haven’t slept since the win and I’m so happy right now. Thank you so much for a fantastic Casino and great service!”
Wanna know what’s even more crazy? Of the three jackpots she won, it wasn’t even the biggest she hit – but the mid sized jackpot. Is there any wonder why Mega Fortune is one of our top slots time and time again?
Wonder no more, go play on Leo Vegas casino and find out why we have more Mega Fortune big winner stories than on any other slot. We’d be just as happy to write about your tale of slot glory next.
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